Monday, January 19, 2009

6x6 Calendar Mini Album

I hope this finds you all enjoying this {for many} long holiday weekend! The Cardstock children and I took full advantage of this extra day {translation = stayed-in-our-pajamas-and-didn't-shower}. Now, Mr. Cardstock will tell you this isn't an uncommon occurrence for me - but I will defend myself by reminding him how many resources I am conserving (water, energy, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc). It's just my way of livin' green people - livin' green.

And before the mental picture sets in - let's move on. Okay, here's the Calendar Album everyone has been talking about lately - and by "everyone", I mean me. . . Anyway - to start off - here is the album itself - with rub-ons added (dust and dog hair added for free).

And here are the 12 included layouts - in order {of course}:

{side note: what a cute picture - I should totally use it more. . .}

100% lifted from a Donna Downey layout:

Okay - so these layouts were 6x6 and really came together pretty quick. I found the most challenging part was choosing supplies that would match the circle date stickers (from Sweetwater). After that part was done - the rest went quickly (even for a very s-l-o-w scrapper like myself). As you can see, I only used one picture/layout - and then added some patterned paper, ribbon and rubons. (It appears I was in a 'sanding phase' during this particular project.) Then, I attached the layouts to chipboard - and called it a day.

Here's a picture of a layout displayed with the clothespin. Perfect for sitting on a mantle, a desk at work or in your scrap space for daily smiles.
I attached the calendar with a clip:
This is just to show the agonizing work of stamping each month individually - and lest we forget - I made FOUR sets of these babies.
Up close view:
Here is the stamp set I used:
All in all - this is a project I will definitely repeat - it makes a perfect year-end gift. Just be sure to make a set for yourself (or you'll be forced to go into stealth mode so you can re-po the set you gave your mom in order to take pictures for all your lovely blog readers).

And, because I needed a reminder to smile today - and my daughter provided it - here's something that was overheard in the Cardstock household today:

Set-up: The kids asked me to play with them - and as usual, all parts were pre-assigned. I was to play "momma fairy", Kate starred in the role as "baby fairy" and Sam was left to play baby fairy's pet dolphin "squeaker" (he is very good to his sister - considering this role requires him to roll around and flop on the floor for the duration).

So, we all started out playing the usual scenes - baby fairy starts out needing momma fairy's help with something - only to learn {through difficult trials} she is able to do many things for herself {with her newly acquired skill of karate kicking} - all the while dolphin is proving himself to be a trusted friend and ally.

Business as usual - right? Well, next, baby fairy decided my role would shift to "grumpy momma fairy" {seriously, I have NO idea where this is coming from. . .}. So, she prompted my lines - things like, "No, you can't go to the fairy princess ball." or "You must stay here and clean all the dishes." or "No food for you until this place is spotless." {all said with a very convincing cackle}.

Well, being quite up to the task, I launched into what I would consider one of my more Oscar-worthy deliveries. And, as I was gaining momentum in this very liberating {but not like me at all} role - Kate decided it was time to take momma fairy down a notch.

K: "I know what you are doing grumpy momma fairy - you are holding onto a grouch {I assume she meant grudge - but I went with it}."

Me: "This grouch and I will never part - and only I know the secret of how to release a grouch."

K: "Oh, I know your secret - it's a potion for getting rid of the grouch you are holding."

Me: "You can't possibly know my secret."

K: "Yes I do - it's coffee."

Me: ". . . . you don't know me. . . . "

K: {giggle giggle giggle}

Perhaps this momma needs to work on her people skills - or at least bump up the caffeine intake?? Tomorrow will be a better day. . .

And, before signing off, I wanted to share a picture that reminds me to be thankful I live in a country where we can live freely, love freely, worship freely and choose freely. Mr. Cardstock coaches our kids' soccer teams - and at the start of each game, he and his players say a prayer. Short and sweet - not a big deal - and supported by the team parents. {It's really a pity about the blond kid - I hear he used to be quite a looker.}
And this one - well, I just like the angle here. . . .


Romans 12:18
As much as you can, live in peace with all men.


Cynthia Baldwin said...

AHH- staying in your PJ's all day - sounds just like Christmas! (livin' green, indeed! ;) )
And even if I did stay in PJ's all day, this mama fairy always needs her morning potion to release her inner grouch. (ROFL - does your daughter have you pegged??!)
Thanks for sharing your lovely calendar LOs - can't believe you did 4 of them - looks great!

Peggy said...

All the LO's all wonderful. I know what you mean about the sanding, once you start, it's not easy to stop is it.
I also loved your entertaining story!
xxx Peggy

Kelly said...

What paper was used for the October LO? I love the blues and browns. I am in a brown phase, may have to try the sanding phase!

Lorabele said...

Love your blog! Wish you would set it up so we could subscribe. Anyway, are you using white paint on the edges of your pictures, or is it ink? I love that look, but I'm not sure how to do it. Thanks!

taniawillis said...'s tania. you won the Spring goodies from Karen Foster Design on my blog, but i need your address. can you email me at taniawillis {at} columbus {dot} rr {dot} com. thank you.

Andrea Wiebe said...

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog :)

Your layout are incredible!

**mbsnotes** said...
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